Elizabeth Warren Compares Trump to Cancer, Calls on Both Parties to Stop Him

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren has broken the carefully cultivated silence she’s kept throughout the 2016 presidential race. But rather than offer her highly coveted endorsement to either candidate in the Democratic field, the Massachusetts senator issued a blistering call to action Monday, urging party officials on both sides of the aisle to stop Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
“There’s a history of demagogues calling those they disagree with ‘terrorists’ and using that as justification for intimidation and violence—and that history is ugly and dangerous,” Warren posted on her Facebook page. “There’s also a history of people staying quiet for too long, hoping for the best but watching silently as the threat metastasizes. Donald Trump is a bigger, uglier threat every day that goes by—and it’s time for decent people everywhere—Republican, Democrat, Independent—to say No More Donald.”
Trump has blamed supporters of Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders for growing unrest at his events as of late, including a Chicago rally Friday that was canceled due to safety concerns and devolved into violent chaos. On Twitter, Trump threatened to send his supporters to Sanders’ rallies in retaliation.
“As is the case virtually every day, Donald Trump is showing the American people that he is a pathological liar. Obviously, while I appreciate that we had supporters at Trump’s rally in Chicago, our campaign did not organize the protests,” Sanders said in statement Saturday. “What caused the protests at Trump’s rally is a candidate that has promoted hatred and division against Latinos, Muslims, women, and people with disabilities, and his birther attacks against the legitimacy of President Obama.”
“This is on Trump,” Warren told NECN’s Alison King in an interview Saturday in Roxbury. “This is what Trump has been fostering and fermenting for months now. And it finally reached the next level. I think people are worried about what this means. We’re in a new space and we’re trying to figure out, how do we describe this?”
“There’s no virtue in silence,” Warren wrote Monday, if a bit ironically. The former Harvard professor’s silence in the Democratic primary has continued to frustrate both those in Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s respective camps, especially after a tight race in Massachusetts could have ended differently had Warren thrown her political weight between either candidate.
Perhaps, as Politico has speculated, Warren will remain neutral in order play peacemaker heading into the national convention. But regardless of who Warren’s for, she made it abundantly clear Monday who she’s against.