Northeastern Makes History With World’s Biggest Simultaneous Crab Walk

They earned themselves a spot in the record books.

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photo via Northeastern/Emma Putnam

Hundreds of students at Northeastern took to a grassy area on campus to complete a feat of athletic prowess and school spirit, pay homage to a fast-moving crustacean, and earn a spot in the annals of history.

They set out on Sunday to break the world record for largest group of people crab walking—scooting backwards on their hands and feet, their bellies pointed up, their backs not grazing the ground—at the same time. And, according to the college, they were successful.

A grand total of 376 people were up to the task, Northeastern said Monday, shattering the previous record of 279, set in Japan in 2013.

A representative from the Guinness Book of World Records was on hand to confirm that each of the students had done the crab walk, properly and simultaneously, for two whole minutes.

It was Northeastern’s Resident Student Association that dreamed up the crabby spectacle.

“I think it will be a cool thing where people can say, ‘Remember that time we broke a world record?’” mused Shannon Pittman, assis­tant director of stu­dent engage­ment for the Center of Stu­dent Involve­ment, in a press release before the attempt. “‘Remember that event we did with hun­dreds of other North­eastern stu­dents, together?’”

The world’s fastest 20-meter crab walk was set earlier this year, when an Iowa man completed the feat in 6.11 seconds.