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Planning ahead
Summer vacation may very well be an optimal time to receive your desired treatment. Doherty says summer is often prime time for getting a procedure done because of the longer periods of time available to recover. Bostonians are often quite busy, so summer vacation may be a good time for which to plan.
Planning your treatment ahead of time is just as important as receiving the procedure itself. When doing research, be sure to look at potential side effects and recovery times. Dr. Jeannie Chung, a local plastic surgeon, says to always be sure to plan ahead. “Looking your best is important for many men and women in the Boston area,” she says. “However, it is important to remember that proper skincare and rejuvenation therapies can be as time consuming as an invasive surgical procedure. I always suggest coming up with a plan a few weeks in advance of when you would ideally like results by.” If you have any questions or doubts throughout your period of research, ask a professional. He or she is there to help you! Figuring out what procedure is best for you should be a collaborative effort.
Before you speak with anyone, make sure you do your research. Doherty reminds people to question who will be performing the treatment, because it may not always be a board-certified surgeon or dermatologist. “The concept of a cosmetic doctor or surgeon is not standard,” he says. “Many doctors in Massachusetts perform cosmetic procedures, like ER doctors, gynecologists, and internal medicine docs, and patients don’t realize that. I urge them to ask questions before agreeing to anything.”
Once you partner up with just the right professional for you, let them work their magic. Der Sarkissian says successful procedures all begin with thorough analysis and an eye for balance. The person administering the treatment needs to carefully examine the patient’s skin, what the problem is, how it relates to the rest of the body, and what the best technique would be to remedy it. “Improper analysis or improper application of a technique may result in the distorted, overfilled, over-tightened, waxy skin look that is, unfortunately, increasingly seen among recipients of plastic procedures,” he says. “Harmony is beauty.”
The right professional will also be honest and open with his opinions and your options, whether he or she is suggesting to do, or not do, something for you. “Just because a surgery can be done, doesn’t mean it should be done,” Doherty says. “Boston is conservative and I tend to be conservative in my approach to all things surgical and non-surgical.”
Once your procedure is all planned, Chung recommends you meet with your dedicated professional about the details regarding recovery. A lot of times there are things you, the patient, can do on your own to speed up recovery and amplify your results. “We counsel our patients on the importance of the treatments they can do at home, which will complement the treatments they receive in the office,” she says. “Proper skin care on a daily basis can ensure even skin tones, small pores, and an overall hydrated appearance.”