Ruka’s Interior Design Goes for the Gold

Photograph by Jim Brueckner
Gold-toned ambient lighting sets the mood at Ruka, where nods to South American and Asian landscapes mingle throughout the space. A concrete backsplash evokes stone found in the Peruvian mountains, while dragons wrapped around decorative columns pay homage to Chinese and Japanese cultures. Golden acacia wood, sourced from the Philippines, tops the tables and bar.

Photograph by Jim Brueckner
Radishes and Okinawan sweet potato accompany Ruka’s grilled long-bone short rib, topped with shiso chimichurri.

Photograph by Jim Brueckner
Among the highlights of the original art adorning Ruka’s walls are Japanese street scenes and Danny Fila’s handpainted mural of Machu Picchu (pictured). Brightly colored wool ropes hang overhead, mimicking the traditional fabric looms of the Peruvian countryside.

Photograph by Jim Brueckner