Greening Your Diet

Ever since Al Gore made An Inconvenient Truth, it feels like every day is Earth Day. We’ve been better about recycling, have tested out the green lifestyle, and think a little more about where our food comes from.

1208869015Just in time for today’s celebration of the planet, the Bon Appetit Management Company has developed the Low Carbon Diet Calculator to make it easier to eat green.

The website allows you to choose a dish you like to eat and see how many carbon points your meal racks up. Meat and cheese lovers will see the earth turn dry and arid before their eyes, while veggie lovers will see a cool green earth due to their low-carbon habits.

Dedicated green diners won’t find many surprises on the site, but those who are just starting to think about the way their diet effects the planet may be shocked by what they learn. The Calculator provides handy tips on how green neophytes can cut down their diet’s carbon footprint. It’s the small changes that make a big difference, and the Low Carbon Diet Calculator can help foodies save the Earth, one meal at a time.