Say Goodbye to the Fugu Truck

Photo courtesy of Fugu Truck/Facebook
Sad news for food truck fans: the Fugu Truck is no longer. Yesterday, Hub Food Trucks reported that Fugu was selling their truck, which came as no real surprise considering the amount of mechanical issues that derailed them several times this year. Earlier this month, Fugu even made this statement via their website:
Thank you for your support!
We appreciate the opportunity to serve all of you for the last 2 years. Unfortunately due to mechanical problems, we have to end the vending season early. Thank you for all the good support!
But apparently Fugu isn’t just done serving ramen and pork belly buns for the remainder of the year. I reached out to chef Bing Liu and his team and asked if they were returning sometime in 2015, either in a new truck or even a brick and mortar. The Fugu team tersely conceded: “We are closing for good.”
Stay tuned for more details.