The Best Beer (That’s Not Mine!) Is…

Photograph by Toan Trinh
Allagash White
“It’s not easy to create a beer with such a distinct and bold flavor profile, while keeping it restrained and balanced the whole time. Classically delicious.” —John Kimmich, founder, the Alchemist (claim to fame: Heady Topper Double IPA)

Photograph by Toan Trinh
Peeper Ale, Maine Beer Company
“This has been my go-to Portland beer since I moved here in 2012. It’s just so bright, and dry as hell—perfect to help you collect your senses after a long night behind the bar.” —Noah Bissell, cofounder, Bissell Brothers (claim to fame: the Substance Ale)

Černé Pivo, Notch
“The Pivo reminds me of being in Prague and drinking the dark lager version by Krusovice. It’s so crisp and refreshing, it brings me back there.” —Megan Parisi, head brewer at Worcester-based Wormtown (claim to fame: Be Hoppy IPA)

Photograph by Toan Trinh
Sip of Sunshine, Lawson’s Finest Liquids
“One of those hoppy beers you taste and know right away that the stars are aligned. Just enough bitterness and malt character, and copious amounts of citrus aroma.” —Daniel Kleban, head brewer at Maine Beer Company (claim to fame: Lunch IPA)

Photograph by Emily Shur
The best beer (that my dad drinks) is…
Sam Adams
“It was all my dad really drank, so that was just a staple in my kitchen. I knew the changing of the seasons because of how the Sam Adams label would change. I was always surprised when I first came out [to California] that everyone wasn’t drinking Sam Adams beers—just Coronas and Heinies.” —Mindy Kaling, actress and producer, who talks about things other than beer here.
Check out all of our Top Breweries in New England coverage.