What’s Your Favorite Pizza Style in Greater Boston?
We're polling readers to learn whether Neapolitan-inspired, South Shore bar, New York-style, or another kind of pizza served locally is the best of the best.

The Square Deli’s salsiccia pizza with sweet Italian sausage and hot cherry peppers. / Photo by Rachel Leah Blumenthal
Greater Boston has a wealth of pizza options representing countless styles. Are you a traditional Neapolitan lover? We’ve got a few inspired by, if not 100% adherent to, the strict Naples rulebook. We’ve got plenty of other wood-fired versions that deviate from Neapolitan, playing with creative toppings, nontraditional ingredients, longer fermentation times for the dough, and such.
We’ve got big, floppy New York slices; we’ve got homey Sicilian rectangles. Classic brick-oven spots are always a hit. Ultra-charred, asymmetrical New Haven-style pies are inching their way into the Boston area. Even Detroit’s “square” (actually rectangular, despite the parlance) pan pizza with the cheese under the sauce has made its way here.
And don’t forget South Shore bar pizza, of course, or the unique “New England Greek” style on the menu at every [Insert Town Here] House of Pizza in the Boston ‘burbs, or even the beach pizza found north of Boston and into coastal New Hampshire. And then there are all the variations on all of these, and more.
In our upcoming December issue of Boston magazine, we’ll be taking a peek at some of the great pizza styles that you can find in Greater Boston, so we want to know:
What is your favorite pizza style that is available locally?
Sure, maybe you’re into a New York slice one day and a wood-fire-kissed puffy crust the next day, or a late-night Sicilian slab after a night out. Well, for the purposes of this poll, you’ve got to choose just one ultimate style. Feel free to choose “other” and provide details—we couldn’t fit every possible style into this poll.
Get your vote in today; this poll will run through Wednesday, October 26. And whichever style wins, Boston-area pizza lovers are the true winners. Isn’t it nice to have a multitude of options?