What You Need to Know About Female Hair Loss

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If you have experienced more hair shedding or noticed thinning of your hair over the past few months, you are certainly not alone. “Unfortunately, women are more susceptible to increased shedding from stressful events,” says Dr. Mary Wendel the medical director of Medi Tresse, a local medical practice specializing in the treatment of female hair loss. While shedding often does not start until two to six months after the stressor occurs, with the enormous stress of this pandemic, Dr. Wendel’s office noticed an increase in calls regarding shedding starting in April.
As August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month, this is also an important time to highlight that hair loss in women is quite common. “The truth is that female hair loss affects up to 50 percent of women at some point in their lifetime, but there are great clinically proven treatments available for women experiencing hair loss,” says Dr. Wendel.
If you are experiencing hair loss, it is important to see a specialist as soon you see signs of loss, including excessive shedding, a widening part, or smaller ponytail. At Medi Tresse, Dr. Wendel and her staff evaluate and successfully treat women with various degrees of loss, but they recommend starting early when there is a greater success at preventing further loss.
3 Tips for What to Do Before Starting Hair Loss Treatments
- Meet with a female hair loss specialist. Female hair loss can be very complex, and it’s important to be treated by a specialist that can determine the best treatment plan for your specific loss.
- Receive a diagnosis for the cause of your hair loss. There are many causes of female hair loss and not all treatments are appropriate for each type of hair loss.
- Prepare to stick with the treatment plan. While we all want immediate results, it can sometimes take six to 12 months to see the full benefit. Don’t stop treatment too early.