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The Putney School Summer Arts

The Putney School Summer Arts

The Putney Summer Arts is a summer camp like no other. You’ll have dedicated and focused time every day to grow as an artist in a supportive community where you can truly be yourself. Whether you’re trying something for the first time or honing your craft, Putney Summer Arts faculty will be here to guide you on your individual path. All of this happens on a beautiful 500-acre campus in Southern Vermont. Join the tight-knit community of young artists for the flagship summer program where you’ll find the space and support needed to fully immerse yourself in the crafts of your choosing. Ages 14–17. Three- Week Immersive Workshop for Teens: June 29–July 18; One-Week Intensive Workshop for Teens: July 20–25.

Putney, VT | 802-387-6297 | putneyschool.org/summer | IG: @putneyschoolsummerarts

Boston magazine is highlighting notable educational enrichment camps around the area. For more on camps where your kids can thrive this summer, click here.