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Wheaton Pre-College

Wheaton Pre-College

Wheaton Pre-College offers two four-week programs where students learn from expert faculty, collaborate with peers, and experience college life on a beautiful and supportive New England campus. Enjoy college life workshops, social activities, and trips!

Student Experience: Students choose two courses in a single subject area or across disciplines. Course themes include AI, technology & innovation; communicating creatively; justice, law & psychology; and health & life sciences. Explore majors, sharpen skills, and discover career paths.

Athlete Experience: This one-of-a- kind program offers a preview of college life as a varsity student-athlete. Students choose one course and train with NCAA coaches to develop skills and navigate the athletic recruitment process. Sports include volleyball, distance running, swimming, tennis, fencing, lacrosse (women’s), field hockey (women’s), artistic swimming or strength and conditioning (relevant to any sport).

Norton, MA | 508-286-8242 | wheatoncollege.edu/academics/pre-college-programs | IG: @wheatonprecollege