Chart of the Week

City Life

The Second Quarter Was Tough for Massachusetts Democrats

Thanks to the frequency of Massachusetts reporting requirements for statewide candidates—legislators, of course, give themselves very different rules—observers like me tend to look at short-term […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Dems Who Are Losing the Money War

This chart shows the campaign balances as of June 15, for the Democratic candidates who will appear on the primary ballot for the open Governor, […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: The State Party Coffers

The Massachusetts Republican Party has been dramatically outraising and outspending its Democratic counterpart in 2014, giving it a head start on the state election campaigns—but […]

City Life

Which Massachusetts Members of Congress Rely Most on PACs?

One of the perks of being a member of Congress—especially if you are safely ensconced in a partisan district, and thus likely stay in office […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Spending In the Special Elections

Tuesday saw special elections in five state House of Representative districts—four general elections and one primary—mostly in and around Boston. All were competitive, whether in […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: The Top Lobbying Interests in Massachusetts

Casinos and marijuana may have topped the headlines, but regular health care insurers and providers were the biggest lobbyists on Beacon Hill in 2013, according […]

City Life

Chart of The Week: Beacon Hill’s Top Lobbying Firms

O’Neill & Associates, headed by former Lieutenant Governor Thomas P. O’Neill III, once again claimed the top spot among Beacon Hill lobbying firms, according to […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Where the Dorchester Race Money Came From

On Tuesday, Dan Hunt won the Democratic primary and de facto general election to be the new state representative from the 13th Suffolk district, which […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Where Lobbyist Contributions Go

Last week, I showed you which 2013 Boston municipal candidates received contributions from registered state lobbyists. But, as I mentioned, that’s just a small part […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Breaking Down the Lobbyist Money in Boston’s Elections

Lobbyists registered with the state of Massachusetts give a lot of money to politicians, but usually focus their funds on the statehouse lawmakers who they […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Governor and Lieutenant Governor Funding, Now vs. Then

Steve Grossman did a little boasting to the press this week, announcing that his campaign account balance has topped a million dollars. That war chest […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: The State’s Biggest and Most Active PACs

Massachusetts-registered Political Action Committees (PACs) spent close to $7 million in 2013—more than the total PAC expenditures from the entire 2011-’12 election cycle—according to my […]

City Life

Chart of the Week: Which Massachusetts Politicians Have the Most Money?

Incumbent Massachusetts lawmakers had nearly $9 million, collectively, in their campaign accounts at the end of 2013, according to year-end finance reports. But much of […]