Faneuil Hall

City Life

So You Want to Get Rich Quick?

You never really learn much about life from your triumphs. You learn from your mistakes. I’ve been in the investment world for decades, and my […]

City Life

What Is This Part of Boston, Massachusetts Actually Called?

Do me a favor real quick. What is all of the stuff in the above image called? Sure, I bet if you live or have […]

City Life

Blink! and the 80-Foot-Tree Aren’t Coming Back to Faneuil Hall This Year

For the second year in a row, shoppers headed to Faneuil Hall will not be greeted by a giant outdoor holiday tree or musical light […]

City Life

A Slave Memorial Has Been Proposed for Faneuil Hall

Amid debate over what to do about Faneuil Hall and its problematic past, a memorial has been proposed for the landmark that would call attention to […]

City Life

Faneuil Hall Was Built With Slave Money. Is Its Name Next to Go?

After the official renaming earlier this year of Yawkey Way—a tribute to the former Red Sox owner Tom Yawkey, who resisted integrating his team—activists have […]

City Life

TBT: The Early Days of Quincy Market

In 1823, Josiah Quincy didn’t like his view. Faneuil Hall, built in 1742, was beset with chaos, and the then-mayor was disenchanted with the site from his perch. […]