The Shoes We Wore #BostonShoes

Debi Caprio50

I rode into Hopkinton on the Colonial Road Runners bus. I met up with several friends and teammates from the Bay State Triathlon Team; we were all excited to be running Boston for the first time. We wished each other good luck at the starting line and went our separate ways. We planned to meet up after and celebrate at the Place, where my son Tyler is a bartender. Our celebration plans came to an abrupt halt just as I was about to cross the finish line. As I raised my arms up in the air to celebrate, the first bomb exploded. I immediately looked to my left and saw the smoke. I crossed the finish line in fear for my and my children’s lives. Two of them were there, but I didn’t know exactly where. My focus was to find the bus and get my cell phone to call them. I then heard a second explosion, and that is when I realized that this is how my life is going to end. I blessed myself and said, “Please God, let my children be okay.” After what seemed like an eternity, I finally found them, and thankfully they were fine.

—As told to Boston magazine. Photo by Scott M. Lacey