Home 3 Profile
Laurie and Kim are busy balancing work and life.
Their daily routine is tightly choreographed. They walk the kids to school and then commute to downtown offices by public transportation. The kids stay busy with after-school activities and the family reconvenes each evening to make dinner and read stories.
Laurie and Kim worry about the pace of their life and that soon the kids will outgrow the bedroom they share in their rental home. They dream of owning their own place and working from home but know they may have to compromise to meet their budget.
Investing in quality construction and energy efficient technology will reduce their operating costs and living in a smaller home amplifies these savings. Treading lightly on the environment makes them feel good about their decision.
Concept Home 3 at 1,400 square feet proves that less is more.
Furnishing for a family on a budget means investing wisely. Laurie and Kim know that an essential item is a classic and well constructed table for dinner, games and homework. Hard wearing upholstery fabrics for kids of all ages is also a priority. Design decisions are made with more than just the kids in mind: they get to choose their room paint color and have fun with accessories that are budget-friendly.