Spanning the Web: Life Without Romney Edition

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment and Romney reaction.

1202314804If you spent $40 million on that crap you’d want to use it too: CNN reports that Mitt Romney’s volunteers were handing out buttons and swag before his appearance at the CPAC, completely unaware it would be his last speech as a presidential candidate. Glad we got the Mitt mitt when we did. [CNN]

The Romney boys are probably happy dad decided to end it: In a post shortly before Super Tuesday, Tagg Romney wrote “I don’t know how he keeps fighting like this.” Thank you for pulling the plug, Tagg. [Five Brothers]

Bostonians on Romney’s departure: Meh. [Universal Hub]

Now playing the part of Lady Macbeth, Ann Romney? Jon Keller hears from inside the Romney campaign that his wife’s obvious tightness at today’s speech wasn’t due to barely contained relief, but rage that Mitt quit so soon. [Keller @ Large]

Comedy writers everywhere mourn their loss: Gawker helpfully compiles a video of some of David Letterman’s “Mitt Romney Looks Like. . .” jokes. [Gawker]

And now the headliner: John McCain is speaking at the CPAC in an attempt to make nice with the hard-core conservatives. [Outside the Beltway]

And for those who aren’t politically minded, here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Adventures in bad hair, fur-haters, and Tibi: All in another day at Fashion Week.

Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t be fierce: Come stand under our umbrella.

Valentine’s Day is coming, and you need candy: Get your special someone the sweet stuff from ChocoLee, the newest chocolate shop in the South End.