Two Pantless Quincy Men Named Jeff Thwart Attempted Car Theft


Photo via Quincy Police

Dana Durfee. Photo via Quincy Police

A father and son in Quincy flung themselves into action with such little hesitation when they spotted a car prowler outside their home, they forgot to put on pants.

Around 1 a.m. Sunday morning, Jeff Crispo’s wife asked their 27-year-old son, also named Jeff, who was in his car after spotting someone in the window.

“She noticed someone was in his car so she went to his room and goes ‘Jeff who’s in your car?’ He responded ‘Nobody, nobody’s in there,’” Jeff Crispo the Elder told WBZ-TV. “I’m like ‘Well, someone’s in your car.’”

Both Jeff Crispos rushed outside to detain the man, 22-year-old Dana Durfee, also of Quincy, pictured above. The Jeffs kept watch over Durfee until officers arrived around 2:15 a.m., police said.

Durfee was due to be arraigned Monday on one charge of breaking and entering a vehicle at night, the Patriot-Ledger reports.