Q&A #1: What’s Next For The Mayoral Also-Rans?

The answer to today's first Ask Bernstein Anything question.

Two quick similar questions to start off Ask Me Anything Day. “Grant” asks:

What happens to the failed mayoral candidates? Does losing a wide-open mayoral contest render one persona non grata or is there hope for them in some other job?

“Timothy” asks:

What political positions are the losing 10 from the Mayors race in a position to run for? Which ones do you think have the brightest political futures?

It’s not losing; it’s how you lose. For example, John Barros’s stock is sky-high; he will likely be asked to serve in the next mayor’s cabinet—heading the BRA perhaps—but could also choose to accept a high-profile non-profit position. Bill Walczak, maybe not so much.

Michael Capuano’s decision to not run for governor erases the hope of what would have been a very tempting open congressional seat for Felix Arroyo, and perhaps others. There had been rumors of Felix Arroyo running for Lieutenant Governor in 2014, but his fundraising results suggest that may be premature. But make no mistake: Arroyo didn’t crack the top tier, but he will next time he runs. In the meantime, he’ll have plenty of opportunities.

Dan Conley has already indicated that he won’t run for Attorney General, which must be a real load off the mind of whoever would have beaten him in that race. Conley, IMHO, should now concentrate on landing a judgeship. I suggest opening back-channel negotiations with Charlie Baker.

I doubt Charlotte Golar Richie will ever run for elected office again, and I have a hard time seeing either Connolly or Walsh putting her in their cabinet. Her eyes should be on demonstrating that her value as a community player—perhaps she should get involved with Ayanna Pressley’s ELEVATE Boston project or something like that to stay relevant in the short-term.

Mike Ross will always have lots of opportunities around here, but I don’t think you’ll see him on a 2014 ballot. My guess he goes a Paul Groganesque route, preferably without quite as long a wait for the right opening to jump back into a race. Rob Consalvo will be interesting to watch—he could easily wind up back in City Hall, or going into the private sector before returning to politics.


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