Best of Boston
Beauty and Wellness
- Best Hair Colorist
- Best Hair Salon, General
- Best Makeup, Counter
- Best Makeup, Special Occasion
- Best Manicure
- Best Massage
- Best Men's Haircut
- Best Pedicure
- Best Steam Bath
- Best Waxing
- Best Women's Haircut, Curly
- Best Women's Haircut, Short
General Services
General Shopping
- Best Appraiser
- Best Auctioneer
- Best Butcher
- Best Car Wash
- Best Caterer
- Best Florist
- Best Framer
- Best Hotel, Intimate
- Best Movers
- Best Pet Care
- Best Pet Grooming
- Best Watches, Antique, Repair
Health and Fitness
- Best Acupuncture
- Best Aerobics Instructor, Funk
- Best Aerobics Instructor, General
- Best Aerobics Instructor, Step
- Best Herbalist