Commonwealth School

Perennially recognized as one of the region’s premier independent schools, Commonwealth School, a coed day school in Boston for students in grades 9 to 12, is an extraordinary gathering of students and teachers dedicated to adventurous intellectual and artistic exploration. Commonwealth’s Back Bay location gives students unparalleled access to area museums, libraries, universities, and labs, and also brings broader and deeper meaning to their scholarly research, annual independent projects, and community service. Travel abroad and all-school weekends in Maine build the school’s unique spirit and encourage students to take initiative and learn about the world.

Commonwealth’s curriculum is rooted in rigorous analysis, discussion, research, and writing. Its teachers take great pride in helping students develop their interests, follow their curiosity, and advance their skills and thinking. College-level electives include Multivariable Calculus, Russian Thought and Literature, Modern East Asian History, Wave Physics, and topics spanning many other disciplines.

Each student chooses a teacher as an advisor, and they meet one-on-one, usually weekly. These close relationships are the foundation of a warm, close-knit community where individuality is cherished. With an enrollment of 145 and 36 teachers, students at Commonwealth are uniquely positioned to discover their passions and thrive. Visit

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