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As Easy as 1, 2, 3?

Publications like to gin up a little controversy with their rankings every now and then … but when it comes to Boston, those lists have lately been a study in contradictions.

All Lit Up

The Boston Book Festival turns three.

The Empire State Strikes Back

New York’s decision to allow gay marriage was a great stride for equality—one that could cost Massachusetts millions in lost tourism.

The Price Is Right

An apple a day keeps the doctor away…and this nonprofit pays Boston parents for feeding them to their kids.

Person of Interest: Kirsten Hughes

The Scott Brown campaign staffer who wants to be part of your world — and Quincy’s city council.

Hubbub with Joi Ito

Meet Joi Ito, the shark-feeding, World of Warcraft-playing head of the MIT Media Lab.

Shakedown U

Time was, we all feared tax season. But these days, April’s got nothing on August. That’s when a collector even more insatiable than the IRS comes knocking: Boston College.

Screen Monsters

Baseball is known for its chatter, but thanks to modern technology, there’s less of it than ever in the Red Sox clubhouse.

The FBI’s Most Pundited

As the the Whitey Bulger media circus intensifies, here’s who to pay attention to and who to ignore.

Hard-Pressed at BU

BU’s journalism department rocks. So… why is the school’s student paper tanking?