What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1197034894Oh, Mitt: The former governor spent only 15 minutes interviewing Kathe Tuttman before nominating her to the bench in 2006. A Romney spokesman said that it was fine since she’d been screened by other agencies, but when seen in the context of what he did for the rest of the day it looks pretty bad. [Herald]

Another market goes bust
: The subprime mortgage crisis has spread to commercial real estate as well. While the rental market remains hot, sales have shrieked to a halt. Less than $1 billion in commercial transactions took place in the third quarter, down from $2.5 billion this time last year. [Globe]

Donald Trump goes on tour: Legislators who oppose Gov. Deval Patrick’s casino plan may have had the first hearing, but pro-casino forces may have a more impressive guest list. Donald Trump, Sheldon Andelson, and the CEO of Harrah’s may all appear at a December 18 hearing on the economic benefits of gambling. [Herald]

Maybe he can be Mitt Romney’s Health and Human Services director? A biologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution was fired after he admitted he is a creationist. Woods Hole stands by its decision to fire him, since a large part of his job was to figure out how chemical contaminants effect fish from “a comparative/evolutionary perspective.” [Globe]