The Week That Was

1199463618Chronicling the past week via quick links and pithy commentary (Romney meet his Waterloo, Iowa edition)

Money can’t buy me love: Or votes, apparently, as Mitt Romney looked up at perpetually-broke Mike Huckabee last night.

The hot stove heats up: We talked to Peter Gammons on the eve of the Hot Stove/Cool Music benefit.

Change is good: Barack Obama and Deval Patrick spread the word, and it is well-received.


Everything must go! Mitt holds an after-Christmas sale. A prelude to Thursday?


We’re naming our kid Jacoby Dustin: Ryan and Ava top the list of most popular baby names. Ryan and Ava?

NECN joins the online revolution: Come on Braude, we’re waiting.

Meet the man who wants to build the biggest casino ever: Hey, when you’re worth $20 billion you can pretty much do whatever you want.


On a cold night in January, Kevin Garnett warmed our hearts: And we have a new sports crush.

The survey obviously didn’t include us: Hot on the heels of a report that does damage to our rep as a drinking city, it turns out we’re not that literate, either.


Hot Obama Youth, yoga sweat, and politics. Yup, it’s Iowa caucus season: Our intrepid correspondent filed this dispatch.

Whitey Bulger, still missing: In other news, water is wet, the sun is hot, and Romney’s in trouble.

That’s all for us for this week. If you need us, we’ll be the ones yelling for Whipping Post during Theo’s set Sunday night.