The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

The dry skin and heavy sweaters that are part of life in late January in Boston don’t leave us feeling very sexy. But there are a bunch of events tonight that should put you in the mood. Rocca hosts The L’Ombelico del Mondo Party, a night of Latin and Italian influenced house music.

If you prefer to be turned on by words, check out The Best American Erotica 2008 reading at Brookline Booksmith.

Many people are attracted to people who bet it all. The Texas Hold’Em Charity Poker Tournament benefits the MS Cure Fund, so you can feel good about high stakes gambling. The complimentary martinis and steaks probably won’t harsh your good time, either.

And if you’re still flying solo after all that, you can probably find someone at Guitar Hero Night. Be sure you catch the video game master of your dreams as they come off the stage, thrilled by their performance of “Don’t Stop Believin’.”