What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1207312092Self-help from a man who can’t help himself: The Globe shares the juicy bits from Gov. Deval Patrick’s 65-page book proposal, which reads like a pitch for a self-help tome. [Globe]

The devil’s in the details: A Senate proposal that would have eliminated cops from flagging details now allows officers to keep working the lucrative gigs if their contracts allow for it. So really, nothing changes. [Herald]

No Wi-Fi for you! Boston’s plan to have city-wide wireless internet by the end of the year is failing due to a lack of funding and slower-than-expected progress. [Globe]

Is your kid’s teacher smarter than a fifth grader? Maybe not after the Senate approved a bill that would allow wannabe teachers who flunk the certification test three times to get a waiver to teach anyway. [Herald]