Celtics Jump on the Bandwagon

1209586153OK, the first time somebody decided to hand out the same colored t-shirts to fans entering the building before a playoff game was kind of original. Cool, a white out. Oooh, a black out. Scary.

But like everything else with the over-marketed NBA Fan Experience! (exclamation point assumed) it’s gotten a little old.

Nevertheless, tonight before your Boston Celtics take on those high-flyin’ Atlanta Hawks in a pivotal Game 5 (this stuff writes itself), green t-shirts will be handed out to the fans, for a what? A green-out? A four-leaf clover?

Hey, things change, and we understand that. The Celtics’ halftime entertainment used to consist of rolling the ball-rack out to center court. Dancing girls? Over Red’s dead body. Any music other than John Kiley on the organ? No way.

Now we get a mascot on stilts trying to high-five Kevin Garnett with giant inflated foam hands, the same heavy-metal playlist featured in every other NBA arena, and of course, the always-demure Celtics dancers. Like we said, things change. It would be nice if they didn’t feel the need to keep up with Orlando, though.