Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1211212607He then went to check all the couches in the State House for change: Transportation Secretary Bernard Cohen said today that the state will look “in all corners” for new revenue, including tolls on I-93. []

Tests for Kennedy: Doctors still don’t know exactly what caused Ted Kennedy’s seizure this weekend, and they are continuing to run tests on the 76-year-old senator. [WCVB]

Fenway Park gets green(er): The venerable park has installed solar panels on the roof that will heat some of the park’s hot water and will cut its carbon footprint by 18 tons. [WBZ]

Romney avoids a flip-flop: Former governor Mitt Romney said he is disappointed by California’s Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. [WBZ Radio via Universal Hub]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

We aren’t talking about New Orleans: We love the Big Easy.

The Bees leave the hive: It’s time to dine outside, and we’re a little apprehensive.