Watch Tom Brady Play a Telemarketer Who Looks a Lot Like Tom Brady

He's in a new ad. Fans are quick to declare him better at acting than Peyton.

Have you heard? Tom Brady is in a new commercial.

Fans are quick to declare him a better commercial actor than Peyton Manning because literally anything can be made into a competition between Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, and well, even the little brother on “Modern Family” is a better actor than Peyton Manning.

The QB appears in a spot for the fantasy football website, donning a ratty brown wig to play the challenging role of “Tom Brady circa 2010.”

Tom Brady

Associated Press

Just kidding. He’ playing a “Gary,” a sad-sack telemarketer whose sad life is made slightly less depressing thanks to his fantasy football prowess. “Telemarketing’s a cool job,” says Gary, which is funny because the Patriots will pay Tom Brady $57 million over five years, and he doesn’t have to sell people Oxyclean at dinnertime. Ha! … Ha….

As Brady hawks his website, his female coworker looks over her shoulder; her screen shows a photo of actual Tom Brady with the headline “Babe-raham Lincoln.” This raises some questions. Questions like: Does this woman see through Gary’s disguise? Is she just trying not to get caught surfing gossip websites at work? Is there a reason we’re punning on Abraham Lincoln’s name in reference to Tom Brady?

“Now, even a telemarketer like me can feel like an MVP,” Brady says, winding up his pitch, which is funny because he is an actual MVP, married to a supermodel who earned like $50 million last year. Ha! Isn’t that funny? Don’t you feel inadequate?

Actually, we’re pretty impressed with Brady’s acting chops here. He’s had some questionable forays into sketch comedy in his past (see: Saturday Night Live), but he takes to the role as “Gary” with considerable aplomb. Probably it was all that practice he had back in 2011 with the greasy hair look.

Tom Brady: method actor.