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Trailblazers: Galerie d’Orsay

Driven by their shared passion and over 50 years of combined experience, Co-Directors Kristine Feeks Hammond and Martha S. Folsom lead Galerie d’Orsay with a deep knowledge of art, a keen aesthetic sense, and warm hospitality. The duo has curated a museum-quality collection, combining timeless masterworks with vibrant contemporary art. “The puzzle of navigating the dual worlds of art and business is a joy to me,” says Hammond on what makes her a Trailblazer. On running a successful business, Folsom says, “We learn, we stumble, we conquer, we teach, and we love every minute of it!”

Galerie d’Orsay is located on the first block of Newbury Street in Boston’s historic Back Bay neighborhood and welcomes visits from passionate art enthusiasts seven days a week.

Boston | 617-266-8001
galerie-dorsay.com | info@galerie-dorsay.com

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