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• Make walking a regular habit in your life. Set reasonable goals. Begin with a distance you can easily accomplish and build up over time. Use a pedometer to help log your walking distance and keep you motivated.
• Wear the right shoes. It’s important to prevent foot problems, such as blisters. Diabetes slows the natural healing process, so getting the right fit in a walking shoe is an important part of foot care and injury prevention.
• Pay special attention to the socks you wear while walking. The right sock can help prevent blisters. Do not wear your favorite cotton socks! Cotton holds sweat which can contribute to blisters. Instead choose a synthetic fabric that wicks sweat away to keep your feet dry.
• Check your blood sugar levels before and after walking. Your insulin dose maybe affected as a result of walking, so be sure to check with your doctor if you have any concerns.
• Bring a snack along when you walk. You’ll be prepared if your blood sugar level drops while you are out walking.
• Always bring a bottle of water and make sure you drink along your route to prevent dehydration.
• Walk with others for added fun and security. Ask a friend or family member to join you, or join a neighbor walk group.
Above content provided by the Boston Public Health Commission in partnership with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
For advice about your medical care, consult your doctor.