In the Clear

Prenuptial stress can wreak havoc on your complexion. To preserve your skin (and your sanity), remember that the best defense is a good offense, advise skin savior Violet Mkhitaryan of Violet Skin Boutique on Newbury Street, and Cambridge dermatologist Ranella Hirsch.

Eat Smart

Mkhitaryan believes beauty starts from within. Her week-before-the-big-day breakfast includes a mixture of uncooked oatmeal, cool water, honey, ground walnuts, and lemon juice. Drinking fresh carrot juice—a source of antioxidants—also supports a healthy complexion, she says.


Free some time up for a hydrating and lifting facial, which Mkhitaryan says will clear and minimize pores, deeply nourish skin, and smooth out fine lines. Hirsch suggests a microdermabrasion treatment, which sloughs off dead cells. “It brightens up the face for photos,” she says.

Spot Treat It

Any product with salicylic acid will help a pimple disappear. Hirsch likes Vichy Normaderm Anti-Blemish Intensive Treatment Cream ($16, CVS, 240 Newbury St., Boston, 617-236-4007, “Even better, go to your derm for a cortisone injection,” she says. “The zit will shrink in 24 hours.”

Try a Home Remedy

Can’t run out to CVS? Make your own magic at home. “Crush up an aspirin tablet and mush it into your favorite moisturizer,” says Hirsch. “It will reduce redness and inflammation.”—Brittany Jasnoff