Ticket To Ride: A Guide to Boston Bike Shops

Boston Bike Rack photo by Eric Kilby on Flickr
Boston loves bikes. Well, maybe not all of us, but for a city that once had the rep of being a notoriously dangerous place for cyclists, we’ve come a long way. While there’s still plenty of work left to do, the Hub has radically transformed over the years, to the point where we earned the No. 16 spot on Bicycling magazine’s 2014 “America’s Best Bike Cities” list, and our wildly successful Hubway bike-share program just keeps on rolling.
So, it’s no surprise that our pedal-happy city is also full of great resources for bike owners, whether you are an old pro or someone who hasn’t been on a bike in years. Below, our complete directory (with a map!) for where you can buy a new or used bike, find rentals, make some repairs, or commission a custom-built creation.
Adi’s Bike World
231 Grove St., West Roxbury, 617-325-2453, adisbikeworld.net.
Apex Velo
999 Boylston St., Newton, 617-244-3970, apexvelo.com.
Ashmont Cycles
551A Talbot Ave., Boston, 617-282-6552, ashmontcycle.com.
Back Bay Bicycles
362 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, 617-247-2336, backbaybicycles.com.
Bicycle Exchange
2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, 617-864-1300, cambridgebicycleexchange.com.
Bike Boom
389 Highland Ave., Somerville, 617-627-9801, bikeboom.net.
Bikes Not Bombs Retail Bicycle Shop
18 Bartlett Sq., Jamaica Plain, 617-522-0226, bikesnotbombs.org.
Boston Bike Guy
27b Cottage Ave., Quincy, 617-773-0717, bostonbikeguy.com.
Broadway Bicycle School
351 Broadway, Cambridge, 617-868-3392, broadwaybicycleschool.com.
Busted Knuckle Bicycle Shop
159 Belgrade Ave., Roslindale, 617-942-2900, bustedknucklebikes.com.
Cambridge Bicycle
259 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, 617-876-6555, cambridgebicycle.com.
1001 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, 617-863-2004, cannondalesportsstore.com.
Community Bicycle Supply
496 Tremont St., Boston, 617-542-8623, communitybicycle.com.
DBC City Bike Design
151 B Pearl St., Boston, 617-482-0011, dbccitybikedesign.com.
Erba Cycles
1 Design Center Place, Suite 313, Boston, 617-466-9893, erbacycles.com.
Ferris Wheels Bicycle Shop
66 South St., Jamaica Plain, 617-524-2453, ferriswheelsbikeshop.com.
Firefly Bicycles
117 Boston St., Boston, 617-825-3473, fireflybicycles.com.
Geekhouse Bikes
12 Channel St., Ste 202, Boston, 617-777-2088, geekhousebikes.com.
Giant Cycling World Boston
11 Kilmarnock St., Boston, 617-424-6400, giantboston.com.
Harris Cyclery
1353 Washington St., West Newton, 617-244-1040, sheldonbrown.com/harris.
Hub Bicycle Company
1036 Cambridge St., Cambridge, 617-441-2500, hubbicycle.com.
JRA Cycles
229 Salem St., Medford, 781-391-3636, jracycles.com.
890 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, 617-232-0446, landrys.com.
391 W Broadway, Boston, 617-202-9720, mybike.com.
Menotomy Used Bicycles
Cambridge Antique Market Building, 201 Monsignor OBrien Hwy Rt 28, Cambridge, 508-344-3872, oldroads.com.
Paramount Bicycle Repair
104 Bristol Road, Somerville, 617-666-6072, paramount-bicycle.com.
Quad Bikes
51 Shepard St., Cambridge, 617-496-5955, quadbikes.org.
Revolution Bicycle Repair
371A Centre St., Jamaica Plain, 617-524-5510, revolutionbicyclerepair.com.
Royal H Cycles
12 Channel St., Suite 202, Boston, royalhcycles.com.
Seven Cycles
125 Walnut St., Watertown, 617-923-7774, sevencycles.com.
361 Somerville Ave., Somerville, 617-628-0328, somervelo.com.
Superb Bicycle
842 Beacon St., Boston, 617-274-8701, superbbicycle.com.
Urban AdvenTours
103 Atlantic Ave., Boston, 617-670-0637, urbanadventours.com.
145 Elm St., Somerville, 617-776-2100, 480 Trapelo Road, Belmont, 617-489-3577, 22 Church St., Belmont, 617-484-9247, wheelworks.com.
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