MoveWith Wants to Reward You for Working Out

Go to 10 fitness classes in a month, and you'll get a free one from MoveWith.

Kick It by Eliza

A Kick It by Eliza class, which you can book through MoveWith/Photo by Lucie Wicker

MoveWith wants you to get even more from your workouts.

The fitness booking service is launching a new program that gives you a free MoveWith class credit if you check in to at least 10 classes in a calendar month. The best part? The classes you log don’t have to be booked through MoveWith, so you can get rewarded for the workouts you’re already doing.

There is a (minor) catch, in that all gym visits have to be recorded through the MoveWith app’s Check-Ins feature, within the hour before or after your class. Still, giving up a little space on your phone seems like a fair trade for free fitness.

The local company just launched its new functionality, so every studio and instructor in Boston may not be available yet. Not to worry, though. If you don’t see yours listed, all you need to do is email the team at

MoveWith is a free app available for iOS.