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June 2005 Issue



There are few places where summer is relished as much as in New England, and few years when it has been as fervently anticipated. In […]

Auto baron Ernie Boch Jr. has a manic personality, eccentric tastes, and a lust for the spotlight. All of which happen to be very good for the family business.

On those mornings, Boch wakes up in his Norwood home a little before 7, walks downstairs, folds his lanky frame into a comfortable chair, and […]

Before he retires in june, Boston Public Library curator Sinclair Hitchings reflects on a life in boston art — and some of its finer treasures.

Sinclair Hitchings places a cup of Earl Grey, lightly tanned with cream, back in its saucer on his table at the Four Seasons. “The best […]

A former Harvard prof offered to sell art masterpieces to the cream of society. Was it a scam?

The two Korean businessmen checked into the New Otani Hotel in downtown L.A. The older one spoke only Korean; the younger acted as translator for […]

Thirty years ago this month, Jaws made a splash in the American popular consciousness. To get it filmed, a Hollywood production crew made a splash on the sleepy island of Martha's Vineyard.

There's nothing like a   giant cannibal shark for scaring the swimming lessons out of a nation. Steven Spielberg's Jaws, which first preyed on our […]

Christ is coming to a cubicle near you.

Then the Lord said to [Moses], “What is that in your hand?” — Exodus 4:2 Make no mistake — the 500 or so early risers […]

Meet the Nu-trons. They're smart, into technology, and unabashedly geeky. And in the competitive world of robot-building, that makes them super cool.

The Nu-trons are halfway through the regional round of the FIRST robotics tournament, and technically speaking, they are having a crappy weekend. For the past […]

Add the raw, natural beauty of Martha's Vineyard to the colorful entertaining style of a fashion accessories designer, and what have you got? A great summer dinner in a fantasy setting.

Some of the most memorable celebrations showcase a sense of style. Others display joy in an occasion. But ask Hadley Pollet what draws her back […]

Can only the blind truly see? Insight into sex, drugs, and other big topics in Paul Theroux’s latest novel.

In his previous book of fiction, The Stranger at the Palazzo d’Oro, Paul Theroux dripped a great deal of ink over sex. Not just on […]


Ready or not, the screwcap is turning up on more and more bottles. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Okay—so I was being lazy. I was anxious to use my gleaming new Screwpull leverpull corkscrew, one of those Star Trekkie–looking gadgets that could do […]