What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1189773549Hope you don’t like sleeping: The DCR presented two unsavory options to Back Bay residents: Have all of Storrow Drive’s nighttime traffic routed through their neighborhood as jackhammers wail all night as a crumbling tunnel is repaired, OR have traffic routed onto the Esplanade. [Globe]

Hope Bill Belichick doesn’t like money: The NFL handed down its punishment for taping the Jets’ defensive signals. It’ll cost coach Bill Belichick $500,000 and the team $250,000 and a draft pick. Ouch. [Herald, Globe]

Girls, girls, you’re both crimefighters: The fight between the BPD and DA Dan Conley continues, with the BPD smacking Conley for his decision to have State Police investigate murders on the MBTA. [Herald]

At least Dan Conley and Ed Davis haven’t resorted to this. Yet: Gloucester’s chief of police is accused of bumping into a senior lieutenant with his belly. His excuse? “I just have a big belly.” Right. [Globe]

Homeless people hope for more bullets in the State House: The Boston Housing Authority has hit the Boston Common to help homeless people find housing. [Herald]