The Last Word

Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.

If you love karaoke but can’t bring yourself to sit through another warbled version of “Like a Virgin” as performed by a bridal party, you’re in luck. WBCN brings Heavy Metal Karaoke to Ned Devine’s tonight.

East Boston is best known as the place cabs fear to tread, but the neighborhood has much more to offer than the airport and poor taxi service. Taste of Eastie 2008 brings together the area’s diverse restaurants to raise money for East Boston Main Streets, a group that revitalizes Boston’s neighborhoods.

It doesn’t matter how great your ass looks in a pair of jeans—if you go out without a shirt, no one’s going to notice. Jean Therapy has all the denim you need and its men’s and women’s shirts are 50 percent off.

We thought we were alone in our love for the Phantom Gourmet, but a package that gives you and three friends the opportunity to watch a taping of the popular food show, and have dinner with the cast is the top item in the Super Hunger Online Auction. The auction raises money for the Greater Boston Food Bank, so you get great food for a great cause. And those adorable Andelman brothers.