Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1201723748And thus, our national discourse became less sexy: John Edwards, the poverty-fighting candidate with the $400 haircut, has dropped out of the Democratic race. He’ll go back to building homes in New Orleans with Habitat for Humanity. [WCVB]

Roooooo-ger. Roooo-ger: It looks like the Rocket’s BFF Andy Pettitte will rat him out as a user of HGH when he testifies before Congress next month. Watching these two divas fight is going to be incredible. [Herald]

Is she a member of New York NOW? Senate President Therese Murray echoes the sentiments of yesterday’s crazy press release, telling the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus, “Look at our congressional delegation. . . . We supported them and got them in their positions and they are still saying it’s not our turn.” Again, maybe they just don’t like Hillary Clinton? [Worcester Telegram & Gazette]

If the reelection of George Bush wasn’t reason enough to distrust Americans: It seems that the majority of women think that Eli Manning looks better in high-definition than does Tom Brady. We think American women need to get their eyes checked. []

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Fly free, you stylish little birds: Boston’s own Bang Camaro kicks off its tour and looks fabulous. We like to think we had a little something to do with that.

It’s a whole new angle to the Boston-New York fight: You can keep your nasty tomatoes out of our chowder, Manhattan.