Your Super Bowl Hooker Update

1200929040Earlier this week, we reminded you to book your favorite hooker before heading to Phoenix for the Super Bowl. Authorities promised to crack down on the swelling number of prostitutes and pimps, thus ruining everyone’s fun. The Herald’s Dave Wedge worked the mean streets of Arizona to update us on the efforts.

Since the terrorists don’t seem interested in blowing up the University of Phoenix Stadium, the cops have amused themselves by picking up prostitutes, pimps, and johns in advance of the game. But not like that.

Police say high-priced call girls from nearby Las Vegas have set up shop in Phoenix, hoping to cash in on deep-pocketed fans from Boston and New York. Monday, cops nabbed 10 johns and two hookers while another 18 johns and 13 prostitutes were arrested last week.

Hey, at least Phoenix cops have arrested the johns as well as the hookers. They’re doing better than the Woburn police.

So don’t even think about spending those thousands of dollars you hoped to spend on a ticket to the game on a prostitute if you can’t find a scalper. Just another public service announcement from your friends at Boston Daily.