Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1205430320Stop messing with our food supply, criminals: Police in New Bedford have warned food delivery workers to be on the lookout after eight drivers were robbed in the past month. [WBZ]

That’ll cure your forgetfulness pretty quick: An 18-year-old high school student from Holden was stranded in Milan when she lost her passport on a class trip. [WHDH]

Clotheslines—eco-chic, or just for poor people? New Englanders are fighting for their right to dry clothes outdoors. Proponents say they’re helping to save the Earth by turning off their dryers, while critics say dangling undies make the neighborhood look poor. [Globe]

Suck it, New York Post: The Herald ups its headline game, coming up with “Throne for a Loop” about the woman who sat on a toilet for two years in Kansas. That’s pretty close to the quality of “Ho No!” [Herald]

And here’s what Chowder has for you.

Endgame: We wrap up the Sweet Potato Project.