What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1208435253Blue laws strike again: The Boston Licensing Board is cracking down on clubs that allow bottle service. The city says the practice is illegal, but club owners counter the city is making it too hard to do business. [Herald]

A fast-spreading blaze of controversy for the Boston Fire Department: Federal investigators are looking into widespread disability abuse. [Globe]

There’s a ghost in the State House! State Rep. Charles Murphy was in St. Croix on personal business when several votes were cast in his name. House Speaker Sal DiMasi said he’s looking into who is responsible for the phantom votes. [Herald]

To think we once thought Bob Dylan’s electric guitar was bad: Organizers of the Newport Folk Festival are slowly turning the event into more of a Bonnaroo-style affair with more pop and rock acts. Some folk musicians are upset with the changes, but organizers say the more mainstream lineup will help the festival make money. [Globe]