Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

Drumroll please: The Patriot-Ledger has announced a winner in its Quincy slogan contest. “Quincy: The Cornerstone of American Liberty.” It was created by Shawn Duyette, who now lives in Oregon. [Patriot Ledger]

Enough with the Kennedy assassination comments, everyone: ESPN radio host Mark Madden was fired after he said he hoped Ted Kennedy “would live long enough to be assassinated.” Stay classy! []

On the positive side, this means less surly kids ringing us up at Star Market: Teenagers in Massachusetts will have a harder time finding a job this summer due to the lackluster economy and competition from unemployed adults. [WBZ]

Not everyone in Cambridge loves cultural diversity: Former Cambridge employee Malvina Monteiro was awarded $4.5 million by a jury that found the city retaliated against her after she filed a discrimination complaint. [Cambridge Chronicle]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

We talk about Sex: Never mind the plot. We’re excited to see the clothes in the Sex and the City movie.

Absence makes the stomach crave tofu: We send out the APB for Wheeler’s Frozen Desserts.