Spanning the Web

Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1214243359Fung Wah fatality: A Fung Wah bus that was picking up passengers in New York City this morning was hit by a dump truck, causing the bus to fatally strike a 57-year-old woman. []

Wait, lying for profit isn’t a viable financial plan for a company? Modern Continental, the latest company to face charges in the collapse of a Big Dig ceiling, has filed for Chapter 11 on the first business day after federal investigators filed charges against them. [WCVB]

We don’t care how many walk-offs Kevin Youkilis hits, we’re still not eating baked beans: After recently endorsing an unfortunately named energy drink, the Red Sox first baseman has lent his visage to B&M Baked Beans. [Surviving Grady]

How can you tell a guy lives in Allston? Look for the telltale skinny jeans. [Universal Hub]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Suck ups: We try out Dyson’s newest vacuum.

One meat per week: Can we keep our bank accounts (and ourselves) healthy during these troubled economic times?