Spanning the Web

Taking you around the Internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1216661868Does this mean we can get some good halftime acts now? A court threw out the $550,000 fine CBS incurred after Janet Jackson’s breast was aired during Super Bowl XXXVIII, saying the FCC “acted arbitrarily and capriciously” in levying the fine. []

Here’s one compelling reason why letter carriers shouldn’t wear kilts: If bees get up there, things could get painful. [Lynn Daily Item]

Reston roosts at his homepage: Somerville’s favorite missing fowl now has a homepage. [Reston the Rooster via Somerville Blog]

Shades of Romney: Ed O’Reilly has loaned himself another $200,000 to continue campaigning against John Kerry. [PolitickerMA]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Forget Will It Blend: We want to know if it can be juiced.

Know of a good place for Caribbean food? If you do, please let us know. It’s harshing our post-Island getaway mellow.