Will Health Nuts Run on Dunkin’?

1217428114There are many adjectives we’d use to describe Dunkin’ Donuts. Delicious, for instance. Fast is another.

But healthy never crossed our lips when talking about New England’s beloved coffee chain. The company hopes to change that with some new low-calorie, low-fat options.

First Rachael Ray, now this. Never have we missed Fred the Baker so much.

Dunkin’ says it will roll out two flatbread sandwiches made with egg whites sometime in August, along with a new menu called DDSmart.

[The menu] will include all current and new items that either have 25 percent few calories, sugar, fat or sodium than comparable products or contain ingredients that are “nutritionally beneficial.”

Consider us skeptical. We don’t go to Dunkin’ Donuts for nutrients—we go there because we need a cheap caffeine fix paired with a high-fat, high-calorie snack. So we’ll take a pass on the Splenda-glazed donut or whatever else the chain is developing for its new menu.