Mo’ Burrito

The local burrito craze hits a new high today as Chipotle opens a new location in Cleveland Circle. For those Brookliners devoted to local favorite Ana’s Tacqueria, I say have no fear: Chipotle’s impeccably fresh menu offers a completely different aesthetic, with an emphasis on eco-friendly practices (they serve only sustainably-raised meat and the sour cream is made from hormone-free milk).

1201726767Since it is opening day, Chipotle is offering free burritos until 8 p.m. Expect a wait, though. According to Andrew Trinchitulla who answered the phone in a near scream and was still barely audible over the throngs of shouting customers, the line can be summed up in one word: large.

So find head down to Cleveland Circle and prepare to lock elbows with a few hunger-crazed Bostonians. I’ll be the one waiting anxiously for my guacamole. Whatever you order, Chipotle’s guacamole, known to us insiders as a small piece of heaven, is a must.

Danielle Montgomery