The Week that Was

not_brady.jpgChronicling the past week via quick links and pithy commentary (Labor Day Weekend edition).

Hey, kids we’d like a word with you: The completely unofficial guide to living here so you won’t drive us crazy.

He said, she said: The utterly bizarre South End dispute.

It’s a man’s world: Until the sisters take over.

Pimpin’ ain’t easy: Mistress Gorgeous probably shouldn’t have advertised on Craigslist.

The Mayor gets a bike: And immediately realizes that bikin’ ain’t easy either. Maybe we should get him a Charlie Card too.

Speaking of Charlie: Oh Google, will you please save us and our commuting needs?

What do you mean she didn’t get in? We’re talking pre-school.

Pigeon redux: You have been put on notice, squirrels.

Background checks? We don’t need no stinkin’ background checks: The Glenn Marshall fiasco continues.

Happy Birthday Donnie: Why weren’t we on the guest list again?

Mitt Romney’s bad week: We don’t want to pile on, it’s just so easy.

The MBTA tries to fix its PR problem: With ice cream. It’s a start.