Group ‘Yarn Bombs’ Mass. Ave. Bridge
Some were marked with words expressing fondness for the city, some were a mix of swirling colors and patterns, and others were just plain and simple, weaving into the bridge’s railing. But the string of crochet and knitting projects intertwined along the Mass. Ave. bridge all had the same message: community.
On June 1, a group called The Joining Project “yarn bombed” the bridge to try and fit as many individual knitting and crochet samples made by people in the area onto the structure. So far, a small portion of the bridge has been covered in people’s work, ranging from bright blue colors, to drab greens and bursting reds, creating a blanket on the mid-section of the bridge that connects Cambridge to Boston.
The idea is to foster the notion of a “close-knit” community here in Boston, and tie it together with the city on the other side of the Charles, using the visual representation of the samples to span the length of roadway, touching end-to-end. “The Joining Project was conceived in the heart of an artist and runner as a wish to connect the Boston and Cambridge communities in a positive heartfelt experience,” according to the group. “Using the [bridge] as a physical connector between the two cities, The Joining Project will stage various events that both uplift and knit the wishes for our cities together.”
The group is planning to carrying on the yarn-bombing project throughout the summer, and will meet every Sunday to add to the fabric wrap. They are inviting anyone from the area to join in and submit their own work to be added to the bridge. They met for the first time on Sunday, and spent hours on the bridge, wrapping the poles and railings with their work. “The connection that knitting and crocheting artists make are beyond warmth and comfort, they are personal and joyful. The Joining Project invites you to knit, crochet, and use fabric art to cover [the bridge]. Let your message be a happy, uplifting one encouraging a better and happier community,” according to a statement on the group’s website.
Those interested in participating can contact art director Silvi Naci at