What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1194528790Prepare for more distracted drivers in the O’Neill Tunnel: The Federal Highway Administration has approved the installation of wireless antennas in the Big Dig. You can expect to lose your excuse to end a conversation within the next few months. [Globe]

Charlie defrauds the MBTA: A former MBTA employee is being investigated for selling Blind Access passes and discounted elderly passes to riders who don’t need them. Classy. [Herald]

Wouldn’t it be neat if our primary mattered? Massachusetts may move up its primary from March to early February. Secretary of State William Galvin says it would make our primary less of an afterthought, and could also save the state money by holding special legislative sessions on the same day. It would also make Mitt Romney come crawling back to avoid a loss in his home state. Please make it happen, Legislature. [Globe]

Oh can’t you see, he should only watch Conan on TV: A priest from Stoneham was arrested in New York for stalking late-night talk show host Conan O’Brien. If his writers weren’t on strike, we’d believe this was a joke. [Herald]