Spanning the Web

Taking you around the Internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1219080869John Oliver prepares for the rapture: The Daily Show correspondent talks about apocalyptic literature for Newton-based [YouTube via]

Jerry Remy ain’t the only one who doesn’t like Heidi Watney: A Flikr user posts pictures of the NESN sideline reporter, calling her a “bimbo” and a “homewrecker.” [Busted Coverage via Deadspin]

Poor form, Rupert:’s news photo blog was lifted by the Wall Street Journal, right down to its name. After getting nasty comments from readers, the Journal blog changed its title. [Media Nation]

Mitt Romney opens mouth, doesn’t make news: The former governor played it cool on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, not making any headlines or saying anything controversial. This won’t raise your stock in the veep-stakes, Mitt. [PolitickerMA]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Workouts for busy people: Boston Pilates and give us a five-minute workout. Yes, really.

Calories in, calories out: We bike and eat our way around Provincetown.