Spanning the Web

Taking you around the Internet for your afternoon enjoyment.

1219948178Seriously: Blue Mass Group posts a clip of John Kerry’s speech to the DNC last night, with the commentary “You can be forgiven for wondering where this passion was four years ago. But here we are.” As Joe Keohane tells us, when the junior senator is on, he’s on. [Blue Mass Group, Boston magazine]

That screeching sound you heard from the Bronx was the Yankees being thrown under the bus: Quoth Hank Steinbrenner after his team’s 11-3 loss to the Red Sox— “The bottom line is they [stunk].” [NY Post via Bostonist]

Cue the Mission: Impossible theme: PolitickerOH posted the names and contact information of printing presses in the Dayton, Ohio area in the hopes that one will ‘fess up to printing signs for tomorrow’s Republican rally and disclose the winner of the veep-stakes. [PolitickerOH via PolitickerMA]

Or you can just get some day-of tickets to the big show: There are still plenty of seats available for tomorrow’s event. [Wonkette]

And here’s what Bostonista and Chowder have for you.

Good posture isn’t just for the bride-to-be: One2One BodyScapes’ Dave Pardue gives us desk-dwellers tips on how to keep our statuesque posture.

God bless our grocery: In praise of the new City Feed and Supply.